The Jamaican Ackee Tree is native to Tropical West Africa. It was brought to Jamaica by the slaves and while other islands do grow this tree, Jamaica is the only one that enjoys this delicious fruit. It is exported worldwide to ethnic markets canned, but never fresh, because if eaten before maturity or after it has matured, it can be deadly. People that ingest this fruit before ripened sometimes suffer from Jamaican Vomiting Syndrome (JVS) due to the unusual amino acid components, Hypoglycemia A and B. Although JVS has led to fatalities in the past, this outcome is now rare because of increased awareness.
Ackee is also used as a remedy for several conditions. It is consumed to reduce fever and lessen the effects of dysentery (inflammation of the large intestines). The leaves are sometimes rubbed on the forehead to reduce headaches and the skin to treat ulcers. It also holds a great nutritional value.
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